Trade shows can be 15 hour days and when you string 3 or 4 of those together it can be a recipe for illness. Over the years I have found with 5 ways to stay healthy and ensure I have energy after the trade show is finished.

1. Drink a lot of Water

Water is important and you need to drink enough each day. Water helps to keep away headaches, flush the salt from the snacks that you eat on the go, and gives you an excuse to step out of the booth for a moment.

2. Snacks

Always have quick, portable snacks on me at trade shows. The snacks help replenish your energy and it keeps the hangry at bay. No show attendee wants to talk to a grumpy booth staffer. Snacks help you push your trade show goals forward.

3. Sleep

You need to find what helps you sleep; white noise machines, sleep masks, melatonin etc. Find what helps and stick to it. There is little substitute for sleep – food can help for a short time but not in the long run.

4. Comfortable Shoes

You will be standing on concrete a lot. Carpet padding can help but you still need to ensure your shoes don’t cause you pain. Also, consider different shoes for different days. Wearing the same shoes for 3 days is a recipe for blisters.

5. Mindful Minute

Take a minute or two at least once a day to just sit and breath. Find a quiet corner, put your phone away, close your eyes, and breath. Use this to center and calm myself. These quick bursts of mindfulness help you to recharge.

Trade shows are long and stressful days, find a routine that works for you to keep you healthy.

5 Tips for Creating Graphics for Your Trade Show Booth

5 Tips for Creating Graphics for Your Trade Show Booth

Among the things that contribute to a successful trade show exhibit, graphics play a crucial role in attracting attention, conveying messages effectively, and leaving a lasting impression. Here are 5 tips for utilizing graphics in your trade show booth to maximize engagement and hit your goals.

Budget-Friendly Trade Show Booth Design Hacks

Budget-Friendly Trade Show Booth Design Hacks

Participation in trade shows can often come with a hefty price tag, especially when it comes to designing and building an attention-grabbing booth. Fortunately, with a bit of creativity and planning, it’s possible to make a big impact without blowing your budget.