The 8 Major Dates You Need to Know for Your Trade Shows

The 8 Major Dates You Need to Know for Your Trade Shows

Tradeshow are very deadline focused. There can be dozens of dates that you need to keep track of to ensure you are following the rules and getting the best discounts. These deadlines can make or break your show. Lets go through the major ones.

Booth Selection and Reservation

So often, your have to chose your booth for the next year while you are onsite at the show. Missing your time slot for booth selection means you have less to chose from and can be pushed into a less desirable space. (See how to pick your booth spot here) Show management will send out emails on when your time slot is.

If you do not get to select your booth for certain shows, you will still want to register as soon as you know you want to attend. The sooner up the list you are, often times the better booth spot you can receive.

Hotel Rooming Block Reservation

Honestly, this is the part of trade shows that I like the least but if you have more than 10 people traveling to a show or want your group to all stay at the same hotel – a rooming block is essential. You need to actually know 3 dates around rooming blocks.

  • When the initial reservations are to be made.
    • You can get the largest selection if you pick early and often can see the best prices as well.
  • Room Block Name Deadline
    • This is where each of your rooms must have a date and name submitted for them or you will lose your reservation.
  • Last Day for Changes
    • You are able to make changes of names and dates within your block up to this date. After this date, the information is sent to the hotel and any changes will have to be made directly with the hotel.

Early Bird Rental Deadlines

Every item that you rent from the show can have up to three prices. The first price is the least expensive but also has the earliest deadline. Hitting this deadline will help reduce your booth costs. You can find this date in the exhibitors manual.

Advanced Shipping Deadlines

If you are having items shipped to the show floor, you need to know when the advanced warehouse opens and the last day for items to arrive. I do not like shipping directly to the show floor as it increases costs.
Badge Registration Deadline

More and more shows are requiring that all booth staff be registered before they arrive onsite. I have even seen shows who will charge for the staff registrations after a certain day. You need to know how many badges you get for your booth, if you can purchase more, the cost is you can, and when you need to have the names uploaded into the system.

Load in Date

When is the earliest time you can set up? Some shows have a tiered load in, where certain sections of the floor or the larger booths are able to load in before the smaller inline booths. Know when you can load in and the last day/ time for set up.

I have been on many show floors lately that close down at a certain time. They state that those inside the hall can keep working but if you leave, you cannot come back in.

If you are having to hire labor to set up (think electricians and builders), you also want to know what is considered straight time and what is over time. Setting up earlier can help you avoid over time costs that can double labor rates.

These dates are crucial to keeping your trade show on track. You can find them all in the exhibitor manual – which you should always read thoroughly. Make sure to put them on your calendar and invite anyone who needs to know about that deadline. I also add color to mine so that I know at a glance that those are trade show deadlines.

Want to learn how to keep track of all of these dates and so much more for your trade shows? Sign up for our course and receive an interactive workbook for you to use.

5 Tips for Creating Graphics for Your Trade Show Booth

5 Tips for Creating Graphics for Your Trade Show Booth

Trade shows serve as pivotal platforms for businesses to show their products, services, and brand to their target market. Among the things that contribute to a successful trade show exhibit, graphics play a crucial role in attracting attention, conveying messages effectively, and leaving a lasting impression. Here are 5 tips for utilizing graphics in your trade show booth to maximize engagement and hit your goals.

1. Know Your Audience

Understanding the demographics, preferences, and interests of your target audience is crucial when designing graphics for your trade show booth. Create your visuals to resonate with your target market, ensuring relevance and effectiveness in capturing their attention.

2. Clarity is Key

Keep your graphics concise, clear, and easily comprehensible even from a distance. Avoid cluttering your designs with excessive text or complex imagery that may overwhelm or confuse viewers. Instead, focus on creating a compelling message that can be grasped quickly, leaving a memorable impact.

Research shows you have 10 seconds to grab an attendees attention, your graphics should tell who you are and how you can help people in that time.

3. Brand Consistency

Maintain consistency in branding elements such as colors, fonts, and logos across all graphics within your trade show booth. Cohesive branding helps reinforce brand recognition and fosters a sense of professionalism and trustworthiness among attendees.

If you don’t already have a brand guideline, creating a simple one page that has your color scheme, the fonts you use, and the types of images you want to use. has some great tools to help with this actually.

4. High-Quality Imagery

Invest in high-resolution images and graphics that are sharp and visually appealing. Poor-quality visuals can detract from the overall impression of your booth and diminish the value of your offerings. Opt for professional photography or graphics to elevate the aesthetic appeal of your display. Shutterstock has high quality graphics ready for large print. 

Remember that what looks good on a sheet of paper is very different from what looks good on an 8ft by 10 ft backdrop. Spending extra money on the graphics and even graphic design is worth not having to do it twice.

5. Incorporate Technology

Harness the power of technology to enhance the impact of your graphics and create immersive experiences for attendees. Consider integrating digital displays, interactive touchscreens, or augmented reality elements to captivate and engage visitors on a deeper level.

A TV is a graphic that can be changed an infinite number of times. You can adjust your slide show and videos to cater to each individual show. 

In the competitive landscape of trade shows, mastering the art of graphics is essential for standing out and hitting your goals. Embrace creativity, strategic thinking, and attention to detail to unlock the full potential of graphics in driving success at your next trade show exhibition.

Budget-Friendly Trade Show Booth Design Hacks

Budget-Friendly Trade Show Booth Design Hacks

Participation in trade shows can often come with a hefty price tag, especially when it comes to designing and building an attention-grabbing booth. Fortunately, with a bit of creativity and planning, it’s possible to make a big impact without blowing your budget. Here are some Budget-Friendly Design Hacks that can help you make a big impression without breaking the bank.

1. Focus on a Simple Design that Accents Your Show Goals

One of the biggest mistakes exhibitors make is overcomplicating their booth design. Instead of cluttering your space with unnecessary elements, think about a clean and simple design that allows your products or services to take center stage. Simple, sleek graphics and a cohesive color scheme can make a strong visual impact without costing a fortune. Each element you add to the booth should be measured against your show goals. If that item will enhance your goals, then it can stay.

2. DIY Signage and Branding

Instead of outsourcing your signage and branding materials, consider creating them in-house. With the help of design software and printing services, you can produce professional-looking banners, posters, and promotional materials at a fraction of the cost. Don’t forget to leverage social media and email marketing to spread the word about your booth and drive traffic to your space.

Remember when designing your larger graphics, you need to think big and tall. Don’t put your QR code down in the bottom corner that will be blocked by the people in your booth. Simple is often the best with graphics in your trade show booth.

3. Reuse Existing Assets

Take inventory of any existing assets, such as product displays, furniture, or promotional materials, that can be used for your trade show booth. With a bit of creativity, you can give old items a new lease on life and save money in the process. For example, turn shipping crates into display shelves or use branded merchandise as giveaways to attract visitors to your booth.

Even the boxes you bring items in with can be repurposed. One of my most successful booth designs had a tiered display on the table. Rather than buy or rent an expensive set of shelves, I reused som sturdy cardboard boxes with white table clothes over and inside them. The customers products were stacked inside and on top. The boxes served double duty as storage for transport and booth decor.

4. Embrace Technology

Technology can be a powerful tool for your trade show booth without breaking the bank. Consider incorporating interactive displays, virtual demos, or multimedia presentations to engage attendees and leave a lasting impression. Many affordable software solutions and apps are available to help you create dynamic digital experiences without the need for expensive equipment or developers.

Take your literature digital as well. You will save money on printing and shipping. Literature is one of the most expensive items to ship per pound. Digital literature can be changed on the fly, and be more sustainable.

5. Negotiate with Vendors

Don’t be afraid to negotiate with vendors and suppliers for the best possible deals on booth materials and services. Many companies offer discounts for bulk orders, early bookings, or first-time customers, so be sure to explore all available options and ask for pricing concessions. Additionally, consider forming partnerships or co-op arrangements with other exhibitors to share costs and resources.

6. Focus on Connections and Your Goals

Ultimately, the success of your trade show booth depends on your ability to connect with attendees. Instead of relying solely on flashy displays or gimmicks, focus on creating meaningful connections with visitors. Remember that genuine engagement will be remembered long after the show floor is closed.

Creating a standout trade show booth doesn’t have to break the bank. You can make a big impression on attendees without breaking the bank. Whether you’re a seasoned exhibitor or a first-time participant, these tips can help you maximize your return on investment and achieve your goals at your next trade show.


Light Up Your Trade Show Booth for Success

Light Up Your Trade Show Booth for Success

In the busy world of trade shows, making your booth stand out is key. But did you know that lighting plays a big role in catching people’s attention? That’s right! Good lighting can make your booth more inviting and help you attract more visitors. Let’s explore why lighting matters and how you can use it to make your trade show booth shine!

First off, when people walk around a trade show, they’re naturally drawn to booths that are well-lit. Bright lights can make your booth more noticeable and encourage people to come over and see what you have to offer. On the other hand, if your booth is too dark, people might not even notice it as they pass by.

Lighting also helps create a welcoming atmosphere. Soft, gentle lighting can make people feel comfortable and relaxed as they check out your booth. This is especially important if you want them to stick around and learn more about your products or services.

But lighting isn’t just about making your booth look nice. It can also help you highlight specific products or features. By shining a spotlight on your best items, you can make them stand out and grab people’s attention. Adjustable lights are great for this because you can change them throughout the day to focus on different things.

Using your brand colors in your lighting can also help make your booth more memorable. Whether it’s through colored lights or special fixtures, incorporating your brand into your lighting design can help reinforce your identity and make your booth more recognizable.

When it comes to choosing lights for your booth, it’s important to think about both function and style. You want lights that are bright enough to see by but not so bright that they hurt people’s eyes. Soft, diffused lighting is usually best because it creates a nice, even glow without harsh shadows.

And don’t forget about energy efficiency! LED lights are a great option because they use less energy and last longer than traditional bulbs. Plus, they come in lots of different colors and styles, so you can find ones that work for your booth.

When planning your lighting, think about the layout of your booth and where you want to draw people’s attention. Experiment with different lighting techniques, like uplighting or backlighting, to create depth and make your booth more interesting.

And remember, lighting is just one part of your booth design. Make sure it fits with the overall theme and feel of your booth so everything looks cohesive and inviting.

By putting some thought into your lighting design, you can make your trade show booth more attractive and memorable. So don’t overlook this important detail! With the right lighting, you can make your booth shine and stand out from the crowd.

Keeping Your Trade Show Booth Sparkling Clean

Keeping Your Trade Show Booth Sparkling Clean

Trade shows have a hundred things to think about and keeping your booth clean can be tough. There are a variety of ways to keep your booth clean through out the show. Lets go through a few reasons you want to keep the booth clean and tips on how to do that. 

Why do you want to keep your booth clean?


To Make a Great First Impression

When people walk by your booth, you want them to stop and take notice. A clean booth is much more inviting than a messy one. Professional cleaners can make sure everything looks spotless, catching the eye of passersby and making them want to learn more about your business.

TIP: You also need to clean throughout the day. Empty coffee cups, water bottles, candy wrappers and more can really take away from your booth. Everyone should be constantly scanning the booth to see what they can clean. 

TIP: Please iron or steam your table cloth or back drop. There is nothing more distracting than a table cloth whose logo you cannot read because of the winkles.

Keeping Things Safe and Healthy

Trade shows can get crowded, and that means germs can spread easily and people will easily trip over things. By keeping your booth clean, you’re not just making it look good—you’re also helping to keep everyone safe and healthy. 

TIP: Make sure that bags, coats, and all items are up off the floor. Cords should be run under the carpet or be taped down to avoid trip hazards. Laptop and phone cords should also be watched carefully. 

TIP: Keep disinfecting wipes on hand to wipe down surfaces. The last show I was at, we had a gentleman grab mints, chew them while talking to us, and spit chunks of the mint onto the welcome desk. As soon as he was gone, I was able to wipe down the surfaces. 

If you have a show that is more than two days, you should look at the shows cleaning services. This can be expensive, but having freshly vacuumed carpet each day, really can make a difference. If this service is out of your budget, you can bring your own vacuum, if you have the space to store it. There are also huge lint rollers that can be used to clean up your space. 

Keeping your trade show booth clean is crucial for making a good impression and attracting customers. Do you have any tips that help keep your trade show booth clean?