
My Love/Hate Relationship with Chairs

My Love/Hate Relationship with Chairs

Chairs. I have a love/hate relationship with the chairs that often come with your trade show floor space. The basic booth package for a 10 x 10 space is the pipe and drape, one 8 foot table, and two folding chairs. I often hide or give away the chairs that come with...

Event Food Pitfalls

Event Food Pitfalls

I loved the movie Oceans 8. It has a great cast but from an event planning standpoint – it has a great moment. The scene where Sarah Paulson's character is talking about the need for a nutritionist on hand because of all the special request foods made me think of all...

Brainstorming for Trade Shows

Brainstorming for Trade Shows

I love brainstorming sessions. I love to stand in front of a huge whiteboard and bounce ideas off of others. To build on ideas. To think up wild ideas. Some of my fondest memories of afternoons at work have been huddled around a white board and dragging random people...

Inspiration for Engaging Trade Show Booths

Inspiration for Engaging Trade Show Booths

Engagement is the big buzz word in trade show planning. Getting people into your booth and creating a memorable experience can be daunting but there are great places to gain inspiration.  Below is a list of places that I look to for ideas and concepts to push my...

A Case for Carpet in your Trade Show Booth

A Case for Carpet in your Trade Show Booth

Being on a trade show floor can be very expensive, even for a 10 x 10 or 10 x 20 booth. Just the real estate you stand on can cost over a thousand dollars depending on the show and placement. As you start adding tables, chairs, electricity, graphics, and giveaways the...

4 Tips for Happy Trade Show Staff

4 Tips for Happy Trade Show Staff

Trade shows are long days of smiling and repeating the same message in different ways to a wide range of people. They can be days of watching non-qualified attendees grab your pens or sit in your booth. It is a day filled with rejection for those who staff the booth....

4 Ways to Keep Track of Your Events

4 Ways to Keep Track of Your Events

Juggling multiple events with different deadlines and requirements is challenging. I had missed a deadline or had to pay extra for electricity before I found my system. Here are the top 4 things that I do to keep my events organized and on time. 1.Cover Page and Notes...

When to Accept Help Setting Up Your Trade Show Booth

When to Accept Help Setting Up Your Trade Show Booth

Accepting help is something that I can have a problem with - especially for setting up an event. I have my process and it can feel easier to just handle items rather than explain them. My current trade show booths are 10 x 20 or smaller and often require only one...

Dealing with Mistakes at Your Events

Dealing with Mistakes at Your Events

My nightmares are not about things chasing me, they are about typo’s in programs, seating charts that are wrong, and fuses blowing at just the wrong moment. Mistakes happen at events, it is a rule. It is the basis for this whole blog. Here are some tips for getting...

Christmas Dinner 2018 – Prepping

Christmas Dinner 2018 – Prepping

The Saturday before Christmas I sat down and wrote out my shopping list. I am a firm believer in lists. They keep me on track and ensure that I get 99% of what I need in one trip. (Be honest, do you ever get everything that first trip) Shopping was the easy part and...

Christmas Dinner 2018 – Planning

Christmas Dinner 2018 – Planning

This year I wanted to take some stress of the holidays off my mom and offered to make Christmas Dinner. We have a few immutable traditions that cannot be changed but dinner is something we can have fun with. Planning This year I decided that I wanted to do something...