Top 3 Trade Show Scams

Top 3 Trade Show Scams

Trade Shows are big business and that always brings the scams out. People looking to make a quick buck can ruin your show and have a negative impact on your business cash flow. Here are the top 3 scams you need to watch for. 

1. Housing / Hotels Scams

This is the most common scams that I have seen and have personally had hundreds of calls about “special deals” for hotels at trade shows. They will attempt to scare you by saying that the room blocks are filling up fast and you need to book and pay now. They request full payment (rather than the normal one night) and when you arrive at the hotel you will not have a reservation. These people scrape the companies that are listed as vendors on the show website and you will most likely receive 2 – 4 calls per show. Tell them what they are doing is illegal (they hang up very quickly), track the number, and pass it on to show management. There is not much that they can do but it does help. 

Where do you find the legitimate room blocks for the show? In the Exhibitor Package that is sent to you. This will most likely be an email. You can often find it on the show website, under an Exhibitor tab. Some shows do have a housing authority that they ask you to book through but again, that information will be listed in the Exhibitor packet. 

If you go outside of the show housing authority or with a third party vendor, please make sure it is one that you know and trust. The good part about going through the show housing authority is that they make deals with the hotels that any booking through them cannot be moved to another hotel if the hotel is oversold. They can also act as liaisons between you and the hotels for any issues. 

2. Fake Shows Scams

This is harder to pull off but can be more lucrative for the scammers. They will create a website and information that looks legit and then ask you to come. There may be a “discounted rate” because it is the first year the show is running or they are looking for companies just like yours to be a part of it. Sadly, when you arrive at the venue to set up, there is no show and you are out the money. Always do you research on the show before signing up. I am wary if a show is a first year show, is not on the venue website, and it seems like too good of a deal. 

If anything seems off to you, call the venue to confirm that the show is happening. (Please get the number for the venue from the venue website and not the person trying to sell you on the show.)

3. Outside Vendors Scams

When you are shopping around for show vendors, especially for an out of town show, please do your research. There are plenty of people out there who are willing to take your money and never show up. This can happen for print items, rentals, and even services. 

If someone calls you up offering the deal of a lifetime for the show, be wary. 

One other note on outside vendors, many shows require you to get special permission if the vendors will be on the trade show floor at all. Read through your rules so you know what you can and cannot do. 

Trade shows are expensive but you need to be wary of people offering you ways to cut costs and corners. Do you research before signing any contracts and be wary of the people who require full payment upfront that are not a part of the show itself. 

Looking to save some money on your shows? Check out this blog post


5 Things Your Trade Show Staff Should Know Before the Show

5 Things Your Trade Show Staff Should Know Before the Show

Staffing a booth is hard. There are long hours and hard concrete to stand on but there are ways to help your staff make the best of the show and ensure you reach your goals.  You need to ensure your booth staffers know these 5 things.  

What are the goals of the show? What should staff be focusing on? 

When your staff knows the reasons they are there and the show goals, they can really help to push the show in the right direction. This is especially true if your company has many product/ service lines and the show is only focusing on one of them. The staffers know to focus on that item while also having the other lines in their head if show attendees ask for them. 

Your staffers should also have realistic goals. You want quality leads and sales, not pushy people who are scanning anyone who walks by to hit a quota. 

Where and when is the show?

    • You should also include
      • Where is parking
      • Is there a fee to park?
      • Where is the booth
      • What times they need to be at the booth. 
        • I often will overlap the shifts by 15 minutes because people rarely factor in time for parking (and the lines to park) plus walking to the booth. 

What is the booth layout?

You want your staff to know where they can find items and what they can bring into the booth. I normally ban backpacks and refuse to hold the large “trick or treat” bags that people gain as they walk around the show. My booths and designed in a specific way and it does not include storage. If you do have storage in your booth you need to make sure who has the keys and let people know what they can bring in. 

What should they wear?

If you have branded gear, I am a fan of wearing that. If not, set a dress code that your company is comfortable with. You can also have some fun with it. I have seen everything from prom dresses to hula skirts to lime green suit jackets. Whatever your choose, make sure you are not asking people to buy clothes outside of the normal office wear. 

They will hear “No” a lot

This is the hardest one for those on the sales team. They can normally call maybe 100 people in a day or see maybe 20 if they are really hustling. At trade shows, you will hear no 200 – 500 times a day. You want to ensure that the booth draws people in and then the booth staff can qualify if people need what you are selling so that they can move to the next person if not. 

3 Ways Non Profits Can Use Trade Shows

3 Ways Non Profits Can Use Trade Shows

Trade shows offer a great opportunity to gain exposure and emails for both business and non profits. Here are the best ways for non profits to leverage trade shows.

Have a Booth

This is the most obvious thing to do at trade shows. You can have a booth to promote your organization, sell merchandise, or collect donations. I have also seen organizations sell art work done by those they serve. Whatever you are doing, make sure you are collecting name and emails so you can convert the people who you talk to into volunteers and donors later on. Do a giveaway to collect leads. Your giveaway can be a gift baskets with your branded swag, bottles of wine, or anything that you think the trade show audience would like. 

Partner with a Business who has a Booth

Does your non profit have a business that ir normally partners with? Ask them if they are attending the show and have a plan on how you can partner with them. Do you split the cost of the booth? Do you bring in an audience that the business would not normally bring in but wants to have? Does the business want to sponsor your booth and you will give them credit for the sponsorship along with tickets to the event? Can the business set up a donations box in their booth and promise a match? 

The thoughts on this are endless and can be lucrative for both parties. A business can showcase their commitment to the community while you gain exposure and donations. 

When you do approach a business about partnering with them, make sure that you show them what is in it for them. 

Partner with the Trade Show

I have attended many trade shows that have a non profit associated with them or they rotate the non profits. Trade Show Management will donate a certain percentage of the ticket costs to the non profit and provide space for them to accept donations and spread the word. Again, this arrangement can work for both parties. When you reach out to Trade Show management you need to showcase what they will be receiving from the partnership and how the partnership will benefit them. 

No matter how you decide to leverage trade shows, always make sure you have clearly defined goals that link back to your yearly goals. Knowing these goals can also help your partners decide how they can help you and what is your best move. 

New Year, New Topics, New Goals

New Year, New Topics, New Goals

2020 is here and I am motivated to get all sorts of things done. I am sharing my 2020 plan so that you all can help me stay on track. So here are my plans for this year. Release my first online course March 1, 2020. I have been working on this course for over a year...

Picking the Right Time for Your Event

Picking the Right Time for Your Event

The complaint that I hear from the sales people that I work with most often is that the events are never at the right time. I will tell you now, there is no perfect time for an event. Early in the year people worry about taxes and saving money. Spring brings on Graduations and other end of school year items along with a wanderlust for people to travel. Summer is a time for vacations and family. Fall is filled with football, back to school, and shortened days. Year end brings the Holidays – the worst time to hold a non-holiday event.

With all these obstacles, how do you choose when to host your event? Here are the questions that I ask to determine the optimal date and time.

Who is your audience?

Are you looking to reach business owners or stay at home moms with elementary age children? Narrow down who your perfect attendee is and then learn when they have the time. A business owner often likes lunch events or afternoon events ending at 6 pm. This allows them to still be a part of the family time. A mom, you may need to host an event around 9 pm or during school hours.

What else is happening at that time?

When you have narrowed down a date and time, look at what else is happening in that community. If you are looking to attract football fans, you don’t want to host an event during Monday Night Football – unless you are showing the game. Is there a big concert going on? A big television event? A political event? Know what your target audience would attend other than your event.

How far out do you need to plan the event?

Remember that people will need a few weeks to put an event on their calendar. I prefer to give attendees at least 3 weeks before the RSVP deadline and do at least 4 weeks of marketing. If you are planning a large fundraising gala, add in time to gather sponsors etc. Understand what your timeline is and what is the level of commitment from your target attendee? Are they traveling out of town? Do they need to get baby/pet sitters? Do you have a dress code that will require time to adhere to? The larger the level of commitment, the more notice you need to give attendees.

Lay this information out on a calendar and then pick the date and time that overlaps with the least amount of other events. Remember, no time is perfect but there is an optimal time.

You can also do some market research and host events at different times throughout the day and year to see what brings in the most interest. The biggest thing is to know your perfect attendee profile. This will allow you to answer when is the best time for your event.

One more tip – I would not rule out breakfast events – if they come with a good breakfast (not runny eggs and/or small, stale pastries.) Breakfast can actually be a less expensive meal to cater than lunch or dinner and allowing people to start early in the morning and then head on with their day can bring in a great crowd.

Managing Trade Show Leads in 4 Steps

Managing Trade Show Leads in 4 Steps

Leads collected at trade shows are some of the best you can get. Managing those leads can be complicated but it doesn’t have to be. Knowing the plan before you go to the show allows you to close those deals and keep your business growing.

Collect Your Leads as Efficiently as Possible

If the show has a lead retrieval system, take a good hard look at the cost. Being able to scan a badge and get a name, company, phone number, and email from someone is worth it. The $500 – $900 you will spend to get leads will balance out the time you will spend inputting business cards or even the lost opportunities because you didn’t get someones contact information. Many businesses are not printing business cards anymore, how will you collect someones information if that is the case?

It can be a larger expense but the time it will save when inputting your leads will make it worth it. I have spend 8-24 hours sorting and typing in information from business cards.

If you have to go the business card route due to the show not having lead retrieval here some tips to streamline.

Gather your team and split the work up. You need to have all the information in a useable format within 72 hours after a trade show. The more people you have on this project the better.

Now, before I hand out the lead cards, I will separate them depending on the information that I received. Group 1 is full information, name, title, business, phone, and email. The physical address is a bonus for me. Group 2 is name, phone, and email. Group 3 is name and email. Group 4 is for those that only gave me a name and a phone number. These groups go onto a different sheet of my Excel file. If I know someone is interested in what I am selling, I will place a star on their lead card. This serves as my reminder to follow up with them first. These leads are marked in a color.

You will create a system for grouping your leads and what is most important for your business.

Learn tips on how to bring traffic to your booth.

Input Leads into Your CRM

However you track your leads, input these new ones into it. If you do not have a CRM system, look into HubSpot. They have a very robust system that is free. This allows you to track when and where you received leads, when they turn into customers, and the value of those customers. This information allows you see what your cost of acquisition is and how much you can spend and still make money.

Send a Thank You Email

Every email that you have collected may not be a warm lead now, but can turn into one later. Sending out an email to them within 72 hours of the trade show ends helps to keep your company top of mind. You then have a collection of emails to send newsletters and promotions. Do not over do the number of emails you send out and always comply with the laws of your area for unsubscribes.

Follow Up

Those leads that you marked as urgent should be contacted within 72 hours. I would suggest the phone for this follow up. Email can be used but anyone who has been to a trade show knows that they will return home to an inbox overflowing with “Thank You” and “Follow Up” emails. If the lead urgent, pick up the phone. You can follow up with an email after your phone call but

Trade shows are only as effective as your follow up. Ensure your company has a great ROI on its trade shows so you can grow.

4 Steps to Choosing the Best Trade Shows for Your Small Business – Mini Course

4 Steps to Choosing the Best Trade Shows for Your Small Business – Mini Course

I am very excited to announce the launch of 4 Steps to Choosing the Best Trade Shows for Your Small Business.

This free mini course walks you through the four steps in selecting the best shows for your specific audience and budget, while producing the best return on your investment. 

Sign Up Here

This course will help you get clear on your goals for your event participation, teach you what type of research is most helpful in meeting those goals and provide resources on finding the shows that will add value to your business.