10 things Speakers can do to get the most out of their conference speaking gigs

Getting the Most out of your Conference Speaking Gigs

10 things Speakers can do to get the most out of their conference speaking gigs

Conferences and trade shows are a great place for speakers to reach new audiences, give lectures and presentations, and network. Most make a huge mistake though – they speak at their time slot and then head home. 98% of conferences come with trade show floors, networking events, lunches, and so much more.

Learn the Top 10 Tips for Speakers at the Conferences by downloading the guide.

Perfecting your Event Press Release

Perfecting your Event Press Release

Press releases are a great tool to increase awareness of your event and your brand. Writing a press release can seem daunting. I remember writing my first few and agonizing over the wording and formatting. Your release has the two goals of grabbing attention and giving information in a clear and concise way.