10 things Speakers can do to get the most out of their conference speaking gigs

Getting the Most out of your Conference Speaking Gigs

10 things Speakers can do to get the most out of their conference speaking gigs

Conferences and trade shows are a great place for speakers to reach new audiences, give lectures and presentations, and network. Most make a huge mistake though – they speak at their time slot and then head home. 98% of conferences come with trade show floors, networking events, lunches, and so much more.

Learn the Top 10 Tips for Speakers at the Conferences by downloading the guide.

After Trade Show Checklist

After Trade Show Checklist

Once your booth is packed up and you are safely back home from a trade show, it feels like a huge relief. Take a deep breath, get a good nights rest, and then finish off the trade show. Here is the after show checklist that I go through. 

Bringing Traffic to Your Booth

Bringing Traffic to Your Booth

Trade shows are about how many people you can see if a very short amount of time. You have 4 – 8 seconds for your booth design to grab people attention and make them stop to speak with you. So how do you bring people to your booth?